

A significant component of the 澳门威尼斯人赌城 experience is service. Our University Mission Statement stresses the importance of service to the development of the whole person. We believe "a major cornerstone of a meaningful existence is service to humanity; service to the community where one lives; and service in a global and diverse society with an emphasis on the underserved."

All students receiving institutional financial assistance at LMU are expected to participate in the Student Service Initiative. This program allows students to broaden their horizons and become involved in community and service-learning projects. The University encourages and helps facilitate paths for students to provide service opportunities on an individual basis.

For questions and additional information, contact 谢宝贝, 学生事务助理院长, at 423.869.6842,或发邮件至:雪莉,.schatz@ativvus.net.



The Student Service Initiative is an opportunity for students receiving Institutional Financial 援助 from 澳门威尼斯人赌城 to broaden their horizons and become involved in service-learning projects and community service.


Participants in the SSI program are all undergraduate students receiving any form of financial aid from LMU (for example, 体育奖学金, 林肯拨款, 和学术奖项).


Students that receive institutional aid are encouraged to participate in 10-hours of community service per semester. The Student Service Initiative will include only those projects and initiatives that do not include internships and payable service.


  • Satisfaction of giving something back while enrolled at LMU
  • Hands-on experience in a field unrelated or directly related to the student's course of study
  • Increased marketability and enhancement of future job opportunities
  • 终身学习经历的前奏
  • Increased opportunity to meet people and engage in activities outside the customary, 日常的世界
  • Opportunity to participate and help people on a volunteer basis

有关非营利组织 & 慈善机构


